atmel_AT tiny10-microcontroller

Six pin Microcontrollers from Atmel-AVR ATtiny10

The latest AVR ATtiny10 is highly suitable for large volume market applications.

AVR ATtiny10 has 1kilobytes of programmable flash memory, 32 bytes of internal Static Ram,  8-bit Analog to Digital converter, a 16-bit timer with Pulse Width Modulation, 12 MIPS of processing throughput and an analog comparator.Using the AVR CPU, this device is supposed to give 6 times performance of any other similar size & cost device available in the market.

Atmel says “If your application needs higher processing power with lower current consumption, AVR ATtiny10 is the right soultion”

All tinyAVR microcontrollers use the standard AVR microcontroller development tools. The AVR Studio AVR integrated development environment is available free of charge on Atmel’s website. Samples of this microC is now available at a very small price of $0.35 for 10k units.

How AVR ATtiny10 ensures low power consumption?

This device with high processing efficiency reduces the time in active mode and more time will be spent in power saving sleep modes. In addition to this, Atmels picopower technology is used in this device which ensures low power consumption.

Key Parameters:

Flash (Kbytes)  – 1
SRAM (Bytes) –  32
Max I/O Pins  – 4
F.max (MHz)  – 12
Vcc (V)             – 1.8-5-5V
Analog Comparator   – Yes


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